@Dimension@fosstodon.org, you seem not to follow the development very closely. If you want to stay tuned I'd suggest you follow
@linmob@fosstodon.org who assembles regularly a nice overview over what happens inside the mobile eco system.
The battery life became a lot better. I'm using a Librem5 since early 2022. I charge it during night and use it during day. In case I could be running out of power I keep a second battery around.
The development of #PureOS #Crimson got stuck somewhat lately, but it's already deployed on the #Librem11 and it already works somewhat on the Librem5.
If you look for hardware less open, secure and privacy respecting with improved battery runtime you should look at the #postmarketOS pages for a device.
The #Pinephone of my son regularly gets updates from postmarketOS.
Look at #LinuxPhoneApps https://linuxphoneapps.org/ to find native software. I lost track following all the latest additions.