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🎉 LiberaFormsen 3.7.0 bertsioa argitaratu dugu! 🚀

Itzulpen gehiagorekin!

Software librea herrien arteko mugak zeharkatzen ikusteak badu zerbait berezia. LiberaFormesen bertsio hau errusieraz ere badago!

Orain, LiberaForms hizkuntza hauetan erabili daiteke: Castellano, Català, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Euskara, Français, Galego, தமிழ, eta Русский.

Mila esker itzultzaileei, @gfbdrgng-ri (@iuvi-ri) ere. ♥


🎉 LiberaForms version 3.7.0 out now! 🚀

The translations continue!

There is something special about seeing Free software cross the borders between peoples. This release of LiberaForms comes translated to Русский!

LiberaForms now speaks Castellano, Català, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Euskara, Français, Galego, தமிழ, and Русский.

Thank you to all the translators, and to @gfbdrgng (aka @iuvi) for your time. ♥


Details at:

#PREGUNTA en #Liberaforms es posible publicar la tabla de resultados de un formulario*, de manera que se pueda consultar públicamente y se actualice de forma dinámica? Es pa una cosa.

*Sin tener que escribir 17.000 lineas de codigo ni hacer invocaciones satánicas, digo XD

#GALDERA: #Liberaforms galdetegietan, posible da emaitzen taula argitaratzea modu dinamikoan eguneratu eta publikoki kontsultagarri egon dadin*? Google Drivekoetan generatzen den kalkulu orriak bezala?

*17.000 kode linea inon idatzi beharrik gabe, esan nahi dut :-)

🎉 LiberaFormsen 3.6.0 bertsioa argitaratu dugu! 🚀

Bertsio hau bi berri pozgarrirekin dator: Čeština (txekiera) and தமிழ் (Tamil) hizkuntzekin! 💬

Orain, LiberaForms hizkuntza hauetan erabili daiteke:

- Castellano
- Català
- Čeština
- Deutsche
- English
- Euskara
- Français
- Galego
- Tamil

Mila esker itzultzaile guztiei, eta bereziki @trendspotter eta @TamilNeram itzultzaileei egin duten lanarengatik. 🙏💚

Bestelako xehetasunak:

🎉 LiberaForms version 3.6.0 out now! 🚀

We’re happy to release this version with translations now available in Čeština and தமிழ் (Tamil)! 💬

LiberaForms now speaks:

- Castellano
- Català
- Čeština
- Deutsche
- English
- Euskara
- Français
- Galego
- Tamil

A big thank you to all the translators, and special thanks to @trendspotter and @TamilNeram for their invaluable time. 🙏💚

Details at:

💚 For the third consecutive year, EXO has supported LiberaForms with a generous donation!

This continued support helps us build a more ethical and open digital infrastructure for everyone.

Thank you, EXO, for believing in the power of free software and contributing to our shared mission! 🙌

@liberaforms I have been using #LiberaForms for embedding polls on my own website and I really like it but I haven't been able to solve a certain issue and that is multiple votes by the same person as just refreshing the page resets the form, so even if the person just doesn't remember if they already voted or not, they might end up voting twice.
Maybe the solution is so obvious that I can't find anything on the issue but I have no clue how to prevent this 😕

@miguelespigado ¿Es muy punki crear un formulario para que las personitas pongan su dirección y adjunten un pdf con el pago del libro? Tendrías que dar un número de cuenta corriente y eso no tiene comisiones.

Otra cosa ya es la gestión del IVA, ISBN, DL y demás burocracias…

Si te animas a crear un formulario, te propongo usar #LiberaForms :)

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