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Oh wow. My (near-)daily BirdChan check-in is certainly something. 🫣

The racist-assed white women that comprise #KarymasKarenKrew are mostly up in arms over Definitely-Not-Audrey's latest shenanigans, designed, if I were to hazard a guess, to regroup their shitty selves into a cohesive unit once again.

Leading the #WhiteWomening are Staph and sTanya. (Yes, yes, we know: you're only ⅞ths white and deeply resent being called that. Tough shit.)

Anyhoo, Staph seems to have forgotten the memes she posted about a literal baby, which I believe remain in her feed to this minute, and sTanya seems to have forgotten about the time she maliciously posted that faildox, gleefully tying in family members who have nothing to do with anything.

They're definitely still shrieking about how bad things happened for "no reason other than just minding their business worshipping #CarymaNgo" — absolutely feeling that they were in their rights to harass people and that absolutely nothing should have befallen their klansheet white asses as a result (yes, yes, we have heard all about your ancestry; bad me for continually pointing out that your only personal experience of racism is perpetrating it).

I guess that means they're at least momentarily NOT screeching that certain people are only "targeting women", ignoring the fact that 98% of the shitty people I had to deal with because a certain Brown Muslim Palestinian* woman's flying monkeys were WHITE WOMEN, to the point that I had mockingly nicknamed them the "white Dora Milaje" BEFORE I met any of these PARTICULAR witless wonders.

#ThisIsCarymastan #KarymasKarenKadre #Carymastans

For the record, "Shitty, Racist White Women" is a category you SELF-SELECTED into. Ain't no one feeling sorry for your asses.


* I'm sure it will become "Brown Muslim Indo-Palestinian woman" the second it becomes convenient, considering how long she was totally fine with letting her jackhole followers think she was Black.

Continued thread

Besides, I don't need a #BirdChan account when my haters have this account bookmarked and visit regularly to grab screenshots.

Hi guys!

Sorry Tanya. I'm busy this week and your segment of Racist-assed White Women in #KarymasKarenKadre will have to wait a bit.

Hey Staph! How's your Carolyn Bryant fetish going? Still desperate to get a Black person killed? Figured out which Black women I am and am not yet?

Here's a screenshot for those still doubting exactly what a racist problem she is.

Continued thread

Okay, you thought pulling out the "scary Black woman" trope was obnoxious?
Let me introduce you to:

📎1️⃣ Which one of you in this conversation is black, aside from "Gigi"? And which one of you is intelligent?

📎2️⃣ When even the self-suggestible Boil breaks their silence to tell her something is racist, it's got to be pretty goddamned racist.

Staph even acknowledged it, but DID SHE APOLOGIZE to us? That is rhetorical. Of course not.

📎3️⃣ Later she tried to pawn off my sharing what happened as "context collapse¹", a concept she clearly doesn't understand, because I WAS the original audience, and I have always belonged to "Group of People You Do Not Know and Who Do Not Like You, Staph," no matter what was happening in her head.

There is no context in which that tweet isn't racist AF.


How could she possibly top that, you ask?

She proceeded to call me the name of another Black woman who has not been involved at all! The conversation closed with her attempt to make a snarky remark: "Bye Dawn. Talk to yourself and
everyone else."

Not only am I not Dawn, no one involved in the conversation was named Dawn.

Later she would make an excuse for it, but DID SHE APOLOGIZE?
(Again, rhetorical.)

It didn't stop there.

As atrocious as her behaviour was that night, I did my usual thing: blocked her and forgot she existed.

But you may remember her display name was Steph is Seething. Well she certainly lived up to it. Almost three weeks later, she found an in, when yet another of the #KarymasKarenKadre threw her tantrum.

Staph seized the occasion to... compound her shitty behaviour detailed here, 4️⃣ by insisting YET ANOTHER Black woman had been involved in this nonsense. Joy (name circled in yellow) was nowhere near the racist nonsense of the 15th. 🫠

(FTR, I called her "Nazi-adjacent", and she has gotten even more so in the intervening months.)

But it turns out few, if any, Carymastans can tell Black women apart, so this is not unique to Staph.

Anyway, Staph is still Seething, virtually snuggling with Neo-Nazi Bryan Trottier, and acting as a #CarymaNgo flying monkey.

She continues to take zero responsibility for her actions and their consequences, all of which could have been avoided by just staying off my radar once I forgot about her.

But up next the Ur-Karen: Tanya


¹ From Wikipedia: Context collapse "generally occurs when a surfeit of different audiences occupy the same space, and a piece of information intended for one audience finds its way to another" with that new audience's reaction being uncharitable and highly negative for failing to understand the original context.

Continued thread


For a group of self-absorbed, entitled white women, #CaryMango's fan base is seemingly neither well-read nor intellectually curious.

Thus, they are willing to take at face value anything their "smart B̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶brown Muslim friend" says, including a claim that the phrase "pressed up against the glass¹ ² ³" was a threat.

He wants awfully to be inside staring out: anybody with their nose pressed against a glass is liable to look stupid.

― Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's

✨️ That led MammaSteph, aka GogglesPaesan0, MRSA, or just plain "Staph" — so-named for being a particularly virulent strain of white woman and her refusal to just go away — to comment on something that required no commentary from her.

[ See: screenshot 1️⃣ for the original posting; screenshot 2️⃣ has the full context. ]

✨️ Now, I'm not sure how she thought this was going to go down, or even IF she had thought about it in advance and had some sort of end game in mind, but I popped in with my usual tolerance for Caryma's flying monkeys.
[ screenshot 3️⃣ ]

This should have been a sign that how-ever-the-fuck she imagined "lecturing the pickaninnies" going, this wasn't working out that way.

4️⃣ Instead she unleashed her inner "accidental" racist. Don't worry about the screenshot; I'll break it into four in the next toot, momentarily.

"I had always been interested in race and racial justice, but mostly it was with my nose pressed up against the glass, looking at the South from a long way away."

Continued thread

Oh hey!

Apparently the hateful harpies🪽 who comprise #KarymasKarenKadre object to being called "viragoes".

Since I really only enjoyed the alliteration "virulent viragoes", and fuck knows that I have an unnecessarily extensive vocabulary, perhaps they would be happy to choose from the following:

▪︎ toxic termagants
▪︎ hard-hearted harridans
▪︎ vituperative vixens
▪︎ pernicious persecutors
▪︎ malignant martinets

I could go on, but surely you get the point.

Since we both know you're reading this anyway:
I also have referred to your ilk as the "white Dora Milaje", and the Dora Milaje, based on the Dahomey Mino, are awesome.

It's the _you_ factor that makes things suck.

I have long since ceased giving a fuck about white feminist tenets, as evidenced by my nickname for C*ntcilwoman Rewerts. I hope you enjoy that as much as I do.

(Or choke on it. Makes no difference to me. 🤷🏾‍♀️)

Anyway, I will likely finish the Staph installment this evening.

Toodles, bitches!

Continued thread


Here's a preview, because you are undoubtedly going to think I'm making this shit up.

1️⃣ In screenshot one, a group of angry white people -- and I use that term culturally since every last single one of them is at the VERY LEAST white-passing to the point of only ever having PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED RACISM from the PERPETRATOR'S side¹ -- analyze my half-sister's skin tone.

Please note that NO ONE among them suggests that this might not be something they should be doing.

This discussion, which took place on July 16, should henceforth be known as The Last Straw, or Enough Rope to Hang Themselves. If any of them had a functional mirror neuron, their spidey-sense might have kicked in here.

2️⃣ Literally the first thing Diamond Robitussin said to me. But OH NO, nowhere near the worst thing this piece of work has said on the subject of race. Wait for it!

3️⃣ The eternal question 🫥
When I say that these assholes thought they got a free pass on racism because they were fighting Black women on behalf of a "Black" woman, I was not kidding.

They're atrocious.

4️⃣ Among the many origin stories² Tanya has claimed in order to evade criticism of her actual behaviour, was this one.

Tell me what you think she's implying.

Then remember on which side of WWII Italy was aligned.

¹ See: Octoroonery

² She has also claimed Indigeneity in response to being criticized by an Indigenous person -- which was publicly refuted by relatives 😳

Ima do a whole thread 🧵 on these racist-assed white (mostly) women screaming that bad things happened to them for simply defending their YassQueen(tm) #CarymaNgo -- but it's going to be while I'm playing #dnd and getting ready to go out tonight.

Round one:
Ignoring the assholes I never actually directly interacted with, and the most deeply unwell. Except maybe Staph as the most persistent Karen in #KarymasKarenKadre

"We didn't do anything" -- except try to civilize the darkies who were criticizing their "Black friend" who turned out not to be Black at all!
(PIVOT! Say, "Brown Muslim woman," repeatedly instead!)

These white women/viragoes insist that they weren't weaponized, and yet, 🪄*somehow* ended up choosing the same targets, like magic. 🪄

Don't worry about them feeling embarrassed by this thread; they are utterly immune to shame and self-awareness.
#BlackMastodon #Racists #WeaponizedWhiteness #FuckShitlibs

Today in Who Will Get Hurt As Collateral Damage to the Soothing #CarymaNgo's Butthurt Ego Vendetta:
(insert slot machine sounds)


The Unhoused and


?¿? SOMEONE, ?¿?
and who can possibly guess whom
*cough*see attached*cough*
has written a delightful screed targeting Enemy Du Jour: Jennifer Evans!

(Because we don't give those motherfuckers clicks, right?)

Do you know what Jen's original sin was?

Pointing out that the article that Caryma wrote for the same "outlet" (under her own name that time), written about the Clarence Square unhoused encampment -- with the unbelievably malevolent NIMBY as the sole source¹ -- WAS HARMING THE UNHOUSED RESIDENTS.

(You can see the pattern, right?)

So after escalating awfulness against Jen for months -- Jen, whom I had blocked initially for SUPPORTING Caryma's bullshit -- awfulness including threats of legal action, doing her "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest" schtick², boosting tweets speculating about "are these donations being taxed properly", suddenly! this article appears!

In an outlet where she regularly posts screeds.

Targeting her enemy.

Going on about the donations.

With a bonus jab at her anti-hate "nemesis" Liz Simons.

?¿?¿?¿? Such a mystery. ?¿?¿?¿?

But guess who the hit-piece is actually harming?

So let's see, for all the pretense of being antifascist, who have actually been her targets?

✅️ Chinatown residents
✅️ Black women
✅️ Drag defenders
✅️ Antifascists writ large
✅️ Unhoused people

And, weirdly, who has she defended in court and court-adjacent venues?

❌️ Donald Smith
❌️ Jeremy Mackenzie


(Also: Pleased to see my Ngo parallel make it across the border finally.)


¹ ugh, I have a write up on that, with photos in my drafts, I guess I should finish that

² you know the one, the one where "mostly white" women come at you en masse trying to defend her nonsense or at least distract you.

See: #WeaponizedWhiteness ; "Flying monkeys"; #KarymasKarenKadre
(No, those hashtags don't exist on here yet. Don't click them.)