Hubble image 20 years in the making shows a bright star overlapping spiral galaxy NGC 4900 (they both appear to be in constellation Virgo, but it's an illusion, as the objects are actually far apart).
This Optical Illusion Hubble Image Was 20 Years in the Making #hubblespacetelescope #astronomy #science #galaxy #hubble #Space #space #News #NASA #star #esa
Awww, every time I see an image from #Hubble now, the first thing I think is, "Aw, bless."
(As opposed to #JWST, at which I often goggle in utter amazement.)
All joking aside, they've both been great advances for humanity and for science.
I'm a big fan of any and all #space news and cool space photos, but still, since the JWST went up, it really has been knocking my socks off!
Hubble image of Arp 188, also known as the Tadpole Galaxy.
Seen shining through the Tadpole's disk, a tiny blue intruder galaxy likely caused the Tadpole's distorted shape. Gravitational interactions created the long tail of debris, stars and gas that stretch out more than 280,000 light-years.
Credit: NASA, ESA, H. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCSC/LO), M.Clampin and G. Hartig (STScI), ACS Science Team
#Hubble Caught a #Cosmic Illusion – And a #Supernova Just in Time
Hubble Captures Vivid Auroras in Jupiter's Atmosphere
Hubble image of Arp 107, also known as UGC 5984.
The one-armed spiral and its smaller elliptical companion galaxy are gravitationally interacting with one another, which is likely responsible for the spiral galaxy's unusual shape, as well as the bridge of gas and stars that connects the two galaxies.
Credit: ESA, NASA, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey, DOE, FNAL, NOIRLab, NSF, AURA, SDSS
JWST and Hubble image of Arp 142, also known as NGC 2936 and NGC 2937, or the Penguin and the Egg.
In Hubble’s visible light view (left), a dark dust lane begins across the Penguin’s beak and extends through its body. In JWST’s near-infrared view (right), the dust is much fainter. A bridge of stars and gas connects the galaxies in the JWST image, and there is a gap with Hubble.
Hubble image of Arp 321, also known as Hickson 40.
This group of galaxies include three spiral galaxies, an elliptical galaxy, and a lenticular (lens-like) galaxy. The group is so compact it could fit within a region of space that is less than twice the diameter of our Milky Way's disk.
Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI, Judy Schmidt
Perhaps a little understated compared to other #astrophotography in the #constellation Centaurus, but I liked this one!
This is NGC 4696 as imaged by the #hubble space telescope
You can learn all about the #constellation #Centaurus in our latest #podcast here:
#AstroDon #Astronomy #hubble #ESA #NASA #astro #Centaurus #science
Hubble Space Telescope image of Arp 26, also known as M101 or the Pinwheel Galaxy.
This image shows a section of the galaxy, with over 3000 bright clusters of hot, young, blue stars.
Credit: NASA, ESA
Hubble finds Kuiper Belt duo may be a trio [via #NASA]
"The universe is filled with a range of three-body systems, including the closest stars to Earth, the Alpha Centauri star system, and [] the #Kuiper #Belt may be no exception"
#gravity #hubble #space
Hubble finds Kuiper Belt duo may be a trio [via #NASA]
"The universe is filled with a range of three-body systems, including the closest stars to Earth, the Alpha Centauri star system, and [] the #Kuiper #Belt may be no exception"
#gravity #hubble #space
[#SonEtLumière cosmologique
] Grâce au sondage #HUDF effectué par le télescope spatial #Hubble en 2003-2004, notre ciel profond est apparu constellé de milliers de #galaxies lointaines et peu lumineuses. L'une des images obtenues a été sonifiée, de sorte que la fréquence de l'onde sonore associée à chaque galaxie témoigne de son #redshift, ou décalage vers le rouge :
Parviendrez-vous à découvrir la galaxie la plus éloignée de l'image - celle dont la fréquence sonore associée est la plus basse ?
Is it abstract art or is it #astrophotography?
This is a #Hubble image of the center of Centaurus A (aka NGC 5128).
You can learn more about the #constellation #Centuarus on our most recent #podcast here:
Hubble image of Arp 22, also known as NGC 4028.
NGC 4027 is a barred spiral galaxy with a single spiral arm. It is interacting with a smaller companion galaxy, NGC 4027A, which is just out of frame.
Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI, Julianne Dalcanton, Meli thev, Wikimedia Commons