#Homeassistant yells at us when we leave the fishtank light on too long. It augments the automated schedule. Better for the animals.
#Homeassistant yells at us when we leave the fishtank light on too long. It augments the automated schedule. Better for the animals.
Ok, #Longhorn might have just saved me here with #k3s and my storage woes. #SMB and #NFS both caused catastrophic problems with corrupted files and databases. Using #unraid as the storage backend for the later 2 but will keep it as a backup destination and network storage for more static datasets.
Thanks to everyone who helped push me in this direction. #homeassistant is officially happy again!
Was haltet ihr von diesem Teil?
• mmWave Radar Sensor
• LUX and UV Sensor
• Temperature / Pressure Sensor
• C02 Sensor
• Bluetooth Tracker
• RGB Pixel
Für so #SmartHome Sachen
So nach 3 Std. "Happy" Debugging zeigt die Xiaomi clock jetzt ein Homeassistant Dashboard #win #homeassistant
Leider etwas enttäuschende Talk-Aufzeichnung über #AndroidAuto aus dem #HackerHotel (insbesondere weil der Ton der Fragen in der Q&A-Session nicht im Stream zu hören ist):
"Android Auto (Flitsmeister)"
Die #HomeAssistant-Integration sollte ich mir mal genauer anschauen, vielleicht kann man darüber einen #Amateurfunk-#Transceiver über die #HeadUnit des Autos fernsteuern.
Ansonsten scheint Android Auto aus Sicherheitsgründen (Vermeidung von Ablenkung des Fahrers) so zugenagelt zu sein, dass #HamRadio-Anwendungen eher durch's Raster fallen, da nur offizielle App-Store-Apps die Android-Auto-Funktionen nutzen dürfen und dafür nur eine recht enge Liste an App-Typen zugelassen wird. Wobei man Funkgeräte-Fernsteuerung vielleicht noch als IoT verargumentieren kann...
Das Beste wäre, #Yaesu, #Kenwood, #Icom & Co würden sich des Themas mit offiziellen Apps annehmen um den veränderten Bedingungen in modernen Autos Rechnung zu tragen.
We're going to need a bigger house. #modifiedmoviequotes #homeassistant #smarthome
I've just released version 1.1.0 of the #HomeAssistant custom card grocy-tasks-chores, adding an option to filter tasks by category and fixing a bug in the calculation of column width.
Setting up some notifications for my #photovoltaics and #heatpump in #homeassistant
I‘m thinking about total silence all these systems, but somehow I like to get infos about the state changes.
The Hue lights were organized in the Hue app.
When I adding Hue integration to Home Assistant, Home Assistant confirmed the rooms for the lights nicely in one screen.
However, when accessing the Hue lights via Home Assistant in Apple Home and Google Home, the lights are not organized by room. It’s a giant mess that makes the Apple|Google Home app unusable for anything but voice access with Siri|Gemini.
Have you migrated from #fhem to #homeassistant (or are currently migrating)? Would you #share your experience, please?
I have many #zwave and #mysensors devices and a bit of custom code (e.g. human centric lighting, #hcl) in my ~4000 LOC fhem.cfg. I'm using fhem since several (maybe 10) years and still struggling with its configuration (as linux graybeard and soft/firmware developer), so I'm considering a change...
Ok, think I need to do the whole #k3s shared storage thing again. As of last night I have both NFS and SMB going, but neither work for #sqlite DBs of course. I get corruptions on NFS and immediate errors on SMB (can’t get exclusive locks). Thinking of trying #longhorn for the shared storage with off-cluster backup.
My primary use case is apps like #homeassistant though, so I’m not sure if I’m overthinking this. I suppose I could configure HA to use a DB like Maria but I have some apps that don’t support this at all to my knowledge, so I’d need something with proper file locking support.
Has anyone gone down this road? Am
I framing this right - Longhorn for most app storage needs, SMB/NFS for larger storages like photos / media?
If you run #homeassistant and you named your instance Cassandra, please go turn it off, like right now. You may thank me later.
so, that was fun. with a bit of fiddling - I sent https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert/pull/1155 to improve that - I was able to use https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert to flash a couple of smart plugs I had lying around to https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota (a F/OSS firmware for the chips that back a lot of generic IoT devices like these), so now they work nicely with #HomeAssistant and probably aren't telling the Chinese government when I turn the heater off. nice little weekend project. thanks to the devs!
People think my smart home is the ultimate automation setup. Truth is, I run four @homeassistant instances, have hundreds of devices, and half my automations don’t even work properly.
I wrote about the real state of my smart home and some confessions about the chaos behind the scenes.
#SmartHome #HomeAssistant #SelfHosted #Repost
I'm considering shipping the #HomeAssistant event stream into VictoriaLogs. I'm not sure what I'd do with the data but it's super compelling. That probably means it's a bad idea.
I've a new blog post out about using my new Logitech Litra Glow light. Being me though, somehow I got an old Raspberry Pi (with some very particular pieces of software), Apple #Shortcuts, #HomeAssistant, and #AutoHotkey involved in remote controlling it.
I assumed that a few hours in the evening would be enough to have the project configured and to see the paywall in the app for the first time. That’s why I spent a day working on cleaning up my #HomeAssistant configuration after upgrading TRVs.
#IndieDev #iOSDev
The JetKVM is a great little device.
Worked amazingly well right out of the box. Recommended if you're looking for a monitor-free setup for servers, etc. I used a DP to HDMI adapter and had zero issues controlling Win 10 on an 8+ year old Intel NUC.
Ich habe gerade testweise #HomeAssistant installiert. Was soll ich sagen… ich denke #fhem wird die längste Zeit mein #smarthome gewesen sein. Auch wenn ich wenig Lust auf die Migration hab. Fhem läuft bei mir seit 9 Jahren und das kommt was zusammen. Aber was HA schon alles ohne zutun mitbringt ist sehr überzeugend.