Juan Linietsky & Ariel Manzur released #Godot Engine version 4.4.1-stable. https://godotengine.org/

Juan Linietsky & Ariel Manzur released #Godot Engine version 4.4.1-stable. https://godotengine.org/
One thing I would love to see added to #godot (maybe I can?) is when selecting a panel override to say "give me the current panel so I can modify it" rather than starting completely from scratch.
I enjoy a lot 3D content generators like Geometry Nodes in Blender but, as a writer, I wanted also to check Context Free Grammar systems for narrative purpose. So I have made a quick first system in Godot to play a bit. Nothing fancy but a first toe in (deep) water.
And it seemed to me that some Eldritch horrors where the perfect mood for nowadays generators…
Our action-adventure Three Musketeers is leveling up!
Today, we’re showcasing the latest progress on our combat system: dynamic sword fights, precise parries and fluid animations!
What do you think?
Wow, #godot has some nice string methods I'd not seen, like lots of Is*
Like IsAbolutePath IsRelativePath and IsValidFloat. Very useful!
@jupiter Whoop whoop Godot Berlin :)
#gamedev #indiedev #godot #godotengine #berlin #indiegamedev
Day 5 of making a second #bullethell using #godot - Wow, the workflow is smoother than it was on Unity :D
Made new stuff, improved stuff, collisions are working, invincibility time when it works as well. Stay tuned! #indiedev #solodev
I was considering waiting for v1.8.0 but I think I will push a 1.7.5 update in between. I improved the responsiveness even more, you must have this as soon as possible haha
The Night Museum is available to wishlist on Steam:
Would be great if using #discord for #opensource projects would be considered a violation of open source principles (never gonna happen I know).
Some offenders:
- #godot
- #mudblazor
- #nanoframework
- #appflowy
- #libretro
- #ffmpeg_wasm
- #synocommunity
- #linuxserverio
- #heroicgamelauncher
- etc...
And yes some of these do offer alternatives but they are mostly abandoned.
And I get you might be happy with #discord (and that's fine too), but I'm not.
Back on the text parser experiment from last year #Godot
Doncs ja he publica una nova versió del #Paraploimos
Inclou bastants canvis: missions, diàlegs, traces del vent per veure on bufa sense tenir la bandera davant, moviment del vaixell amb el ratolí, inventari...
Em fareu un favor si el proveu i em doneu feedback, i si us agrada i el valoreu doncs ja seria fantàstic.
Us deixo la imatge de capçalera que he fet, basant-me en una ceràmica del museu d'Empúries.
NOKOMA is a cozy and fun original puzzle game with numbers. Touch them, split them and empty the grids. Reach the highest score in the thrilled Arcade mode & challenge yourself with unique mechanics in the upcoming Puzzle mode.
New blog post! Part one of a series in which I explore Godot's import process - what it is, why it's necessary, how it works, and how to customize it.
resetting the sdfgi cascade in #godot (or at least my current hack for doing it) consists of changing the cascade size by the smallest possible floating point number
The mushroom enemy is finally getting its basic attack loop in place. There's still some polishing needed, but it's progress!
I wish #godot's sdfgi had a way to reset it without using the new reset version until it had a few frames to converge
what if I create an entirely new viewport and swap over after there's been at least 5 frames of not resetting
A little #3Dplatformer #game I've been developing as a hobby in my free time. I do intend to release it someday if I'm ever able to finish it, but it's still in very early develpment as you can see. The idea is that you're a kid and your goal is to rescue lost cats and dogs (and other types of pets). I'm making it in #GodotEngine, and the models and animations in #Blender.
I updated the character controller to use a state machine as well, and I cleaned up the animation tree a little bit following advice from the replies.
Using the state machine for this controller has eased A LOT the development process. Less bugs, easier to scale and maintain. I can't wait to keep adding new stuff!
So far, since the last update, I added:
- Aerial attacks
- Hammer Throws
- Dolphin dives
- Momentum to certain player moves