Effortlessly transform your domain models into powerful PostgreSQL extensions.
Effortlessly transform your domain models into powerful PostgreSQL extensions.
Accelerate the development of compositional, ergonomic, data-driven, and safe applications
Check out the new demo application: https://github.com/fraktalio/fmodel-rust-demo
#Fmodel is a generalized and abstract template for your business flow. You can use #SpecificationByExample to discover that flow and distill the requirements https://fraktalio.com/fmodel/docs/domain/discovering-the-domain
#Fmodel is an open source software, publically available at GitHub https://github.com/fraktalio/fmodel
#Fmodel aims to bring functional, algebraic, and reactive domain modeling to #Kotlin.
It is inspired by #DDD, #EventSourcing, and Functional programming communities, yet implements these ideas and concepts in idiomatic Kotlin. #TypeSafe https://fraktalio.com/fmodel/
A new blog post has been published `Optimistic Locking`
. Find out why this concurrency control mechanism is still required to ensure data consistency by minimizing contention and improving scalability ... https://fraktalio.com/blog/optimistic-locking.html #FModel #EventSourcing #DomainModeling
#FModel aims to bring functional, algebraic, and reactive domain modeling to #Kotlin. Check out the new demo application https://github.com/fraktalio/fmodel-ktor-demo💙 #Ktor #R2DBC #EventSourcing #CQRS #EventModeling
With #Fmodel you can combine your decision-making components associatively and commutatively, effectively unlocking both, #monolith and #microservices/distributed architecture styles and deployment strategies. https://fraktalio.com/fmodel/docs/application?system-type=event-stored&style=monolith-orchestrated #Kotlin #InformationSystems #BeInspired
A new #Fmodel demo application has been published https://github.com/fraktalio/fmodel-spring-state-stored-demo. It is a traditional/state-stored system/flavor. You can have both, event-sourced and/or state-stored. We make the transition from one to another simple and easy! Check our reference guide for more https://fraktalio.com/fmodel/ #EventModeling #DomainModeling #Kotlin
#DomainModeling is a powerful tool for clarifying and refining our understanding of a subject area, and for identifying opportunities for optimization and improvement. By carefully considering the needs of stakeholders and the nature of the domain, it is possible to create effective and useful models that can facilitate communication and drive progress. https://fraktalio.com/domain-modeling #EventModeling #FModel #InformationSystem #EventSourcing