Saw the Radio 2 #Eurovision vote thing and am frustrated by the selection process... less 'shortlist' more 'shitlist'
Saw the Radio 2 #Eurovision vote thing and am frustrated by the selection process... less 'shortlist' more 'shitlist'
BBC Radio 2 is doing a vote on the UK's most favourite Eurovision song of the 21st century
and they DON'T include Voyager?
Come on, Promise is like, the best Eurovision song ever.
Started working on some t-shirts. My Baller shirt is mostly there. Some pretty solid ideas on Zjerm. And would like to do a Bara Bada Bastu. I'm only in Basel for 2 days though so I don't really need three!
#Eurovision should invite #Canada to participate in the next contest just to send a message to the United States and piss of #Trump.
[NEW ROCK COVER] La Poupée Monte Le Son - Laura Thorn by @2wmmusic | #Eurovision2025 Luxembourg via @YouTube
Back in 2012 a housemate used to play the super popular viral video Epic Sax Guy featuring Moldovan band Sunstroke Project ALL THE TIME. I got curious about where it came from and discovered it was from a show I hadn’t heard of called #Eurovision. I watched the show, got hooked and it changed my life. I met so many wonderful friends, discovered so much music and learned so much about the world through it. This weekend I got to meet the band and thank them.
Wie ich eben panisch nach Tickets für die #festundflauschig #Eurovision Sause in Freiburg gesucht habe, um dann erst zu checken, dass @janboehm mit “Tickets ab morgen 10 Uhr” Montag 10 Uhr meint. Ich habe die Folge vorm schlafengehen gehört, als in meinem Kopf noch Samstag war
Wen von euch sieht man denn noch dort? #janprixollivison
Like, can you please stay at one emotional level or tempo, for, like, more than 15 seconds? Please? I’m getting whiplash here #Eurovision
Listening to the UK #Eurovision song is like sitting in a car in stop & go traffic with a driver who only knows how to hit the gas or slam on the breaks
Don't watch the Eurovision
Ensi vuonnahan #KAJ tulee hyvin todennäköisesti pokkaamaan itse tuon saman pystin. Ehkä jopa sekä #Grammis-gaalassa, että #EmmaGaala ssa.
#KAJ jakoi eilen Ruotsin #Grammis-gaalassa palkinnon. Eikä mitä tahansa pystiä nähtävää, vaan ihan #VuodenBiisi.
Yleisön - ruotsalaisen musiikkialan - reaktiosta päätellen #JohnLundvik ja #MånsZelmerlöw ovat aika yksin mielipiteineen, ettei humoristinen #musiikki olisi yhtä arvokasta kuin sliipattu #pop.
Se, että #ErikaVikman on sijoitettu oman semifinaalinsa vikaksi esiintyjäksi, ei yllätä, mutta se, että kaksi muuta kohuttua seksilaulua ei, yllättää vähän.
#Australia peräti avaa ko. semifinaalin, ja #Malta on puolivälissä.
Montenegro at #2 are you kidding me with this?!
Australia got the #1 slot in the second Eurovision semi-final.
That can only mean one thing, they're bringing an ice cream/milkshake van onto the Eurovision stage
@catarinac Hoje foi o sorteio das posições nas meias-finais. Ficamos entalados entre a Suécia e a Noruega (pouca sorte).
Ainda se existir um intervalo após a atuação dos NAPA ainda vejo uma hipótese, mas vai ser difícil. Nas apostas após o sorteio estamos em último.
Reminder that you should be boycotting #Eurovision since for some reason they still haven't kicked the rot that is Israel, out of the competition.
I tried telling her it was not a real mouse, but she wasn't having it...
If you usually watch #Eurovision, do listen to Lucio Corsi's song, "Volevo essere un duro", definitely a breath of fresh air in the depressing Italian music space of today!