Нечаянно удалил все файлы в папке сайта на сервере. В прошлый раз я потерял очень ценный рабочий скрипт-файл и это было в позапрошлом году. Extundelete и testdisk ни черта не помогли. Не тогда, не в этот раз. Пришлось опять через grep искать по подстроке на всём жёстком диске содержимое файла.
Вот примерная строка запуска, если кому надо:
grep --binary-files=text --context=1350 'SELECT * FROM posts WHERE post_hidden < 2' /dev/sda1 > found_data1
Ext4 конечно плоха в этом плане. ReiserFS 3.6 раньше позволяла почти все удалённые файлы восстановить. Интересно как в этом плане дела обстоят у BtrFS и XFS?
@farooqkz Having read-write capability for a non-native #fileSystem does not mean all the features would be supported.
Written other way, I would be wary of using #EXT4 on #FreeBSD for longer time than needed as I do not think all the journaling support is available. I would love to be wrong on this!
UFS of FreeBSD is different than of OpenBSD; cannot interchangeably use them. Also https://freeradical.zone/@ax6761/114130069307988012 .
Thanks @vkc
<Start/tip nobody asked for>
For those who want something close to Debian testing, #siduction (by default #KDE #Plasma6) might be worth a try. It is unstable (Codename: Sid), thus before testing. This means it is tested but, it is certainly not as stable as testing.
But here is the twist. Use it with #btrfs or #timeshift and #ext4 to have efficient tools for a rollback once it breaks (and it will break sporadically) and you should be good.
<End/tip nobody asked for>
So, I'm currently installing WSL in an attempt to get Windows 11 to view various ext4 filesystems, as I do a lot of stuff with Rasperry Pi machines. This feels...kinda wrong. I hope it works though. I know just enough to be dangerous, but not enough to be a true expert.
I wonder if anyone can help me with a #Linux #USB issue. I’ve got a new flash drive on which I want to put a Linux directory structure on {with #EXT4, encrypted if possible). However, using the #GNOME #disks utility to #Format it apparently works but when I go into the disk’s root directory, I can’t create any files – I get an input/output error. If I reformat the disk as a #FAT (windows(disk then it works again and so I’m thinking there must be some problem with the utility I’m using.
Here’s a thought I’ve just had on file systems for #Linux: if I have no need for advanced features like subvolumes or snapshots or built-in support for multiple devices, is there really a point to thinking about which file systems is good for an Average Jane such as myself? I don’t exactly consider myself lacking in bandwidth, so surely the difference only starts to matter at scale? #btrfs #ext4 #xfs
Guess who'll have to format a #selfhosted server today! In related news, good thing I have daily backups. In other related news, I was today years old when I learned #Btrfs was considerably slower by default than #Ext4
Sinceramente, esto es algo que no entiendo, ya que #EXT4 es el sistema de ficheros empleado de manera predeterminada por las tres distribuciones #Linux más utilizadas en entornos domésticos: #Ubuntu, #LinuxMint y #Debian. https://www.phoronix.com/news/Limine-9.0-Released
Edit: I'm going with LUKS + BTRFS. Thanks for the responses!
Which file system should I use for an encrypted root partition on Linux for a single disk (no RAID)?
I typically use LUKS + ext4.
I've also used encrypted BTRFS and ZFS but never worked with them to any extent beyond getting them setup. I see distros such as Fedora are now defaulting to using BTRFS.
I'm seeking some advice: Should I stick with ext4? Or use BTRFS? Or ZFS?
System Administration
Week 3, Additional Reading
GUID Partition Table (GPT)
The Security War in File Systems: An Empirical Study from A Vulnerability-centric Perspective
And to dive a bit deeper into #ext4 and FFS.
Understanding ext4 Disk Layout:
ext4 Data Structures and Algorithms:
A Brief History of the BSD Fast Filesystem: