KY040 (1.0.3) for avr/esp32 by codingABI
Library for KY-040 rotary encoders with debouncing, polling and interrupt mode

KY040 (1.0.3) for avr/esp32 by codingABI
Library for KY-040 rotary encoders with debouncing, polling and interrupt mode
I wrote about a project I did for my kid a few weeks ago: he found using a regular die for dice chess inconvenient, so I replaced it with an ESP32 and some Python code.
How to control NeoPixel WS2812B LED 2D panels with the popular open source firmware WLED and our open source hardware ANAVI Miracle Emitter with ESP32C3?
Check out our step-by-step guide and get glowing!
#WLED #ESP32 #ESP32C3 #opensource
Lekce pájení SMD součástek pomocí pájecího pera.
Není to věda, jen to chce grif. Pak to jde jako po másle.
Základem je kvalitní páječka, pájka, správně nastavená teplota a klidná ruka
Half The Reflow Oven You Expected #toasteroven #reflowoven #ToolHacks #ESP32
Half The Reflow Oven You Expected - Toaster oven reflow projects are such a done deal that there should be nothing new... - #toasteroven #reflowoven #toolhacks #esp32
AbleTP (1.0.1) for samd/megaavr/mbed/apollo3/mbed_nano/mbed_portenta/mbed_nicla/esp32 by Michael Hammel
A thermal printer library for ArduinoBLE.
Welche KI eignet sich am besten für Coding?
Vielleicht auch speziell für Microcontroller mit Micropython wie #esp32 und #RaspberryPi? Hat da jemand Erfahrungen oder eine Empfehlung oder tut es ChatGPT einfach?
This ESP32 board will be controlling the low-voltage blinds in the apartment. Happy that the normal AC switches work as contacts. (Not sure why I doubted they would).
Device (1.0.0) for avr/sam/esp8266/esp32/stm32 by MEmbedded TechLab
A versatile WiFi device connectivity library for Arduino, ESP, and STM32 boards.
OpenStreetMap-esp32 (0.99.2) for esp32 by Cellie
A library to display OpenStreetMap maps on ESP32 devices.
I've configured an interrupt on the ULP itself, and then, contrary to what examples and online code do, let it halt (quit).
The extra 70uA powerconsumption of the ULP that I had noticed is gone (well, within the limits of my meter), and the configured GPIO interrupt fired and woke up the main CPU.
Now, the main CPU only has level-based wakeup from deep sleep, but the ULP interrupt can be GPIO edge!!
One thing to fix: a second ULP int makes the wakestub quit (first is OK)
EdgeNeuron (1.2.2) for esp32 by Consentium IoT
TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style for TinyML applications.
SparkFun BMV080 Arduino Library (1.0.0) for esp32/esp32s2/esp32s3/cortex-m33/cortex-m0plus/cortex-m4f by SparkFun Electronics
The SparkFun Air Quality PM1/PM2.5/PM10 Sensor - BMV080 (Qwiic)is an ultra-small, fan-less air quality sensor for sensing PM2.5 particulate matter! Within the enclosure is a breakout board that breaks out Bosch's B...
#Arduino #ArduinoLibs #esp32 #esp32s2 #esp32s3 #cortex-m33 #cortex-m0plus #cortex-m4f
InverterWEG (1.0.3) for esp8266/esp32 by Ítalo Coelho
WEG Inverter ModBus Communication
KukaVar (1.0.2) for esp8266/esp32 by Ítalo Coelho
Kuka VarProxy Communication
Крошечный веб-сервер на ESP32
В этой статье мы рассмотрим использование ESP32 в качестве веб-сервера для администрирования вашего DIY-устройства. Пожалуй, веб-интерфейс сейчас является наиболее распространенным способом удаленного управления различным оборудованием и приложениями, опережая столь любимую инженерами командную строку. Для работы через веб-интерфейс нужен только браузер и не требуется какой-либо толстый клиент. В качестве примера наш веб-сервер будет управлять парой светодиодов, в соответствии с представленной схемой. Соответственно, на плате ESP у нас будет размещен веб сервер, с кнопками включения диодов.
Has anybody managed to make an ESP32(-S3) ULP wake up the main processor from deep sleep into a wakestub and back to deep sleep?
Whatever I try, the ULP interrupt causes a full wakeup and ignores my wakestub (which works fine for the configured timer and EXT IRQs)