Yay! The #CPAN #Security Group (CPANSec) was just acknowledged as a CVE Numbering Authority!
This means that from now on, this group will be responsible for registering and managing #CVE's on behalf of the #Perl and #CPAN ecosystems and communities.
Read the announcements here: https://security.metacpan.org/2025/02/25/cpansec-is-cna-for-perl-and-cpan.html
CPAN Monthly Update: New tools for Perl developers.
Highlights include:
App::rhich - A regex-powered 'which' command
Test::Mockingbird - Streamlined mocking and dependency injection
Net::Domain::Parts - Smart domain name parsing
Text::HTML::Turndown - HTML to Markdown conversion
Plus new packages for benchmarking, cryptography, and even harmonica tablature generation! Check out the full roundup on perl.com
perl #programming #opensource #cpan
I released version 1.16.0 of Rex, the friendly automation framework on #CPAN.
This minor release now requires at least perl-5.14.4 to install, contains new features to run local commands on Windows, and fixes bugs around git repository branch handling.
Warm welcome to our new contributor, @gregoa_!
Special thanks to Ctrl O Ltd for sponsoring Rex maintenance!
Changes: https://metacpan.org/release/FERKI/Rex-1.16.0
Release notes: https://www.rexify.org/docs/release_notes/1.16.0.html
Happy hacking!
Hot new #Perl modules on CPAN (Dec 2024):
Poz: TypeScript Zod-inspired data validation for Perl
Bluesky: New high-level API for the Bluesky social network
App::Changelog: Auto-generate changelogs from Git history
YAGL: A fresh take on graph libraries with clear feature comparisons
Test::SpellCheck: Keep your POD typo-free
Plus new tools for handling DATA sections, crypto tokens, and more! Check out the full roundup at https://www.perl.com/article/what-s-new-on-cpan-december-2024/
So then... I found a bug in a #CPAN module.
Time to find out how to fill a PR for it. Seems that the autjor does not keep it on GitHub
Module::Runtime (dependency of some module) installation has not happened as it is currently stuck on <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=158669>.
For background, see Addressing CPAN vulnerabilities related to checksums <https://blogs.perl.org/users/neilb/2021/11/addressing-cpan-vulnerabilities-related-to-checksums.html> (archived: <https://web.archive.org/web/20240723034457/https://blogs.perl.org/users/neilb/2021/11/addressing-cpan-vulnerabilities-related-to-checksums.html>), 202111, and the comments.
(Removed: References to Math::GMP, & gmp, as I started doubting the dependency chain due to not having access to the installation log currently.)
After having blogged about a bug (and its fix) in Algorithm::CurveFit, as well as giving a talk about it at the 2024 London #Perl and Raku Workshop, I’ve finally gotten around to building and releasing the fix to #CPAN. Version 1.06 is now available. Yay!
Perl 模組新進榜: 上週推出 20 個優秀 CPAN 模組
➤ 介紹了上週推出的 20 個優秀 CPAN 模組,包含 App::DBBrowser、App::Sqitch 等。
✤ https://niceperl.blogspot.com/2025/01/dxxx-20-great-cpan-modules-released.html
這篇文章介紹了上週推出的 20 個優秀 CPAN 模組,包括一些熱門模組的最新資訊,作者以及投票數。
+ 資訊豐富,能夠及時瞭解最新的 Perl 模組動態。
+ 這樣的整理方式清晰明瞭,讓人一目瞭然,很實用。
#Perl #CPAN
Früher (TM) habe ich u.a. auch diverse Perlmodule veröffentlicht. Ein paar davon sind immer noch hier und da im Einsatz, Config::General ist so eins. Heute habe ich nach vielen Jahren mal wieder eine neue Version veröffentlicht, in der ein Quoting-Fehler behoben wurde. Ich habe ausserdem mal eine CI -Pipeline zur Ausführung der Unittests erstellt.
Back in 2004 (yes, 2004, that's not a typo) I asked if support for the `lchown()` system call could be added to POSIX.pm, which is part of the #perl 5 core, so that I could use it in #rsnapshot and users wouldn't have to install the third-party Lchown.pm off the #CPAN. "Yes", people said, and it was.
20 years later I have finally created a PR to use the feature I asked for.
Do I win a prize for being the slowest programmer ever?
Why I love #cpan: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/bgiframe links to
http://tinyurl.com/d96mkm -> 404
404 Not Found
Happy 14th birthday, Rex!
To celebrate the occasion, I released version 1.15.0 of #Rex, the friendly automation framework on #CPAN.
This minor release contains several bug fixes and few new features.
Warm welcome to our new contributors, @rrwo@floss.social and @gandalf!
Special thanks to Ctrl O Ltd for sponsoring Rex maintenance!
CPAN: https://metacpan.org/release/FERKI/Rex-1.15.0
Release notes: https://www.rexify.org/docs/release_notes/1.15.0.html
Happy hacking!
Wasn’t #CPAN supposed to stop its email service?
I am still getting spam to my @cpan.org address
El 26 de octubre de 1995 se presenta el CPAN, una colección de 25 mil recursos y distribuciones de software basados en Perl, que pueden ser buscados, accesados y usados a través de una interfase web. Útiles en las primeras versiones de internet público
#retrocomputingmx #cpan #PERL
Happy new year, #CPAN!
The Comprehensive #Perl Archive Network, CPAN, has been online publicly since 1995-10-26. By now it hosts over 250,000 modules in 40,000+ distributions by 6,700+ authors.
I publish solutions there since 2014, and I intend to continue for at least another decade.
Join the occasion by registering your account, upload your first module, or release a new version of your existing distribution!
How do you celebrate this year?
@Mumonkan @nxadm Hah! "Mongers" is something anyone can be. The only "requirement" is that one cares about the part of the #OpenSource world that involves #Perl and #CPAN and related.
Happy to hang out! I'm arriving Friday \o/