We've teamed up with Fastly to provide both CDN and DDoS mitigation to our users, improving both performance and uptime.
Huge thanks to the team at Fastly for supporting Fosstodon.
The code of conduct at Fosstodon can be simply summarised as "don't be a jerk". However, if you need more detail as to what we consider unacceptable behaviour, please take a look at our code of conduct.
If you enjoy your time on Fosstodon and want to support what we're doing here, you can do so in a number of ways. To find out how, use the link below:
We have created a mini-site called the Fosstodon Hub. It contains useful information about Fosstodon in the form of a blog.
One of the issues with a federated social network like Mastodon is users need to be sure their instance isn’t going to disappear overnight. This has happened a number of occasions we've seen, and we want to ease your mind in that regard should you choose Fosstodon.
Our Commitment to You