I hear casual #ecofascism constantly in Finland.
A question about whether overpopulation is the real problem. Directing the discussion to the "big picture" of poor countries' growing emissions. Discrediting all historic emissions of rich countries.
I've sometimes been able to break through this line of thinking by asking them to imagine talking face to face with a person who lives on very little, and saying: "I can have all of this, but you can never hope to get the same". Could you do it?
Whatever the answer has been, it's been revealing.
Sometimes I get a doubling down on fascism, and flat out rejection of equal human rights.
But most of the time it causes such a big cognitive dissonance, that it's easier to continue the discussion about system changes we need to make in Finland.
@ttiurani Let them make this comparison;
We can feed al these animals on a daily basis but humans should starve?
"In 2021, the total pig population in the Netherlands declined somewhat, to slightly under 11.4 million pigs. The poultry herd declined last year as well to nearly 100 million. At 3.8 million head, the size of the national cattle herd remained virtually unchanged; the dairy goat herd grew slightly to 482 thousand."
Source: https://longreads.cbs.nl/the-netherlands-in-numbers-2021/how-many-farm-animals-are-there-in-the-netherlands/