roses are red
violets are blue
use python 3
not python 2
ive had this lazy shitpost boosted onto my tl twenty fucking times now its not even that good
@lynnesbian roses are red
violets are violet
use perl six
not perl fiveolet
@00dani @lynnesbian roses are red
violets are blue
what take so long
I want Go version 2
@lynnesbian Anyone starting a project with Python 2 in 2018 is a reactionary.
@lynnesbian ruby is red
python is free
don't start new projects
in PHP
I go over the top
roses are red
windows does crash
all your Linux distros
should be Linux From Scratch
this is just to say
I have used
the python
that came
with the distro
and which
you were probably
to deprecate
Forgive me
it was easier
so compatible
and so default
@lynnesbian you adorable dork... gosh
@lynnesbian Lynne said about every toot she ever made.
narrator: little did she know this would only perhaps boost her popularity
@LottieVixen the ones i actually put scores of minutes of effort into like the video ones go unnoticed and this turd that i excreted onto my page took like ten seconds
@lynnesbian tbh they are disturbing to me, hence I don't boost or view them anymore...sorry
@LottieVixen the video ones? what makes them disturbing?
@lynnesbian But all my code is in python 2 and it would take forever to update the libraries :(
@SilencingTrees but six uwu
@lynnesbian Don't uwu me!! I don't want to go through all that effort!
I do wonder when the community will start to actually move on to 3 lol
@SilencingTrees i have
it's python's fault for backporting so many of the new stuff to python 2, removing much of the motivation to upgrade
Someone make a program that ports all my code to python 3. Maybe it exists already
@SilencingTrees @lynnesbian 2to3?
not prefect, but a leaves less to manually cleanup anyway
I generally consider Python 3 the better Python. Relegating reduce to functools, though, is gonna make this always not a completely clean cut.