Sequentially in my feed: a toot about the Mars helicopter Ingenuity and its continued flying around, followed by a toot about Linux 4.14 reaching EOL.
Which reminds me, Ingenuity is running a 3.6 kernel. And it has the only excuse I can tolerate for having not been upgraded: it's on a different planet. ;)
@kees I spent years maintaining Ubuntu's mirror infrastructure. Mars is simply a new cloud mirror region to be deployed.
@kees wait a bit for Mark Watney to update Sojourner in the field :)
@kees Well ... they are still "updating" Voyager though, right? ;-)
@kees Really 3.6? I'm not aware of any msm8974 kernel based on 3.6? Most msm8974 phones had 3.4 kernel and I think I saw traces of 8974 also in msm-3.10 kernel but at least for phones it was never a production kernel to my knowledge.
That's an ok excuse. For now.
@kees Well, now that's an air gap...
In some areas in germany, internet connectivity is still worse than on Mars.
@kees I'm reminded of the fact that linux is the most used OS on two planets.
@kees would that still count as over-the-air upgrade?
@kees As long as no one walks by and plugs in an USB-Stick with a virus...