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Voici le #Writever de novembre. Déjà 2 ans de Microfictions partagées.

#writever Topic

"Oh, yeah, good one, Boss, right on-topic, what with the whole global warming thing--that was Your idea too, right? I mean, well, I know it wasn't mine, and--"
"Got it. Shutting up now."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Robot

"Every day, at exactly seven, two messages on one channel, two on another?"
"Yep. This regular, it has to be a robot."
"This is the most likely hypothesis, but that does necessarily make it the correct one."
"And you're the one saying that, R42 ?"

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

(karma hit...)

#writever Short short story

When the one sign long short short story came out, people thought it would be forever impossible to write anything shorter.
Then came out the one-qbit short short story. And as it was quantic, everyone read a different story from it.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Announcement

"Hear, hear! The King and Queen seek a valiant Princess who will dare face the Princess and marry the Princess. Yes, I know. We're out of Princes and Dragons, what with them killing each other all the time, but we have many Princesses so that's how it is."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Hashtag

The vampires use very long hashtags, and you typically have to read them backwards. Wizards use longs ones too, and in Latin. Gods do them in capital letters. Robots use numbers exclusively.

As for the Zombies, they only have one:


#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Series

The daily series was getting close to its one hundred thousandth episode and the characters showed no sign of aging. It did not surprise the producers, who had taken the precaution of cloning the actors from day one, and operated replacements regularly.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Regularity

The regularity of yearly ghost manifestations was explained when it was found that while attached to the place of their death, they are not bound by gravity any more, and thus float in space, and appear every time the Earth crosses their location again.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Writing

"The writing you are so proud of," said Lucifer, "I invented it, not you. I had devised it to inscribe our pacts on stone, that they be as laws to you and me. You stole it from me, and now you're using it to carve your lies."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Instruction

"These robots' instruction was to prevent the enemy from taking the hill!"
"They made contact with the opposing side indeed... and negotiated and implemented a peace agreement where said hill is ours. And frankly, it's a pretty good deal."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Challlenge

"You are going to stay here all night? Every night? Wait until one of them, at last, manifests? Try to communicate with them?"
"Yes. I consider it a challenge."
"Trying to converse with the living is not a challenge, it's madness."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Collective

"Your Heaven or my Hell", said Lucifer, were hierarchies which promoted personal, ah, ascension... Meanwhile, in Purgatory, they were forging an autonomous collective which none of us saw coming. Neither I or You had a chance. Nor had the mortals."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories #english

#writever Monthly

"I'm off for my monthly retreat."
"To avoid the full moon and thus your transformation?"
"I can transform whenever I want. but these full moon nights teem with werewolf hunters, and I want to avoid those."
"Lest they kill you?"
"Lest *I* kill them."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories / #FlashFiction #english

#writever Twitter

When Twitter closed, its zealots stayed until the servers were stopped, while others had gone in waves, turmoil after turmoil.

But the very first to leave, well before even the buyout rumors, had been the Atlanteans, who were experiencing strong déjà-vu.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories / #FlashFiction #english

#writever List

"You're selling your soul for a detailed list of magical creatures in order to send them targeted advertisement?"
"... I'm a demon, not a monster."
Then the demon gutted the salesman. Then threw his remains in holy water. Out of precaution.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories / #FlashFiction #english

#writever Imagination

"A robot has no imagination."
"I count seven thousand nine hundred and thirty six ways to demonstrate otherwise," replied R42, "of which seven thousand eight hundred and sixteen were never considered by your species. Would you like me to elaborate on one?

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories / #FlashFiction #english

#writever Like

Of all ghosts, the one which looks like a sheet with holes for eyes is my favorite. I like its pathetic, rudimentary, makeshift appearance. It's as if an Auguste kept trying, unsuccessfully, to pass off as a white clown.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories / #FlashFiction #english

#writever Workshop

Humans had writing, drawing, poetry... R42 had its workshop. There it created, like they did, except that creating even the most rudimentary automaton brought R42 closer to the state of a demiurge than humans would ever get when creating a book.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories / #FlashFiction #english

#writever Connection

One would have thought ghosts and robots were antithetical. Actually, the aptitude of the latter to perceive on larger spectrums, and the lack of fear of thinking machines by the former, provided them with a connection which humans would never ever achieve.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory / #SmallStories / #FlashFiction #english