#WebAccessibility question for any willing to help:
Attached is the general Swanye page layout; I'd structured tabbing to begin on the right side of the page on the premise that wanting to create a post, etc. would be the first things you might want available to you but, obviously, that then navigates the page right-to-left rather than left-to-right.
For users who'd most use this, is LtR (starting with the posts of the page) preferred? Figured I should probably check before too much is built…
@Swanye i’m comfortable with l-r and r-l, either way is fine with me. it would be super awesome to have the classic Tumblr type interface. There’s a large demographic of Tumblr users who miss that a lot. I don’t know if you could do a separate mode for that? I just know that would make a lot of people happy.
I would also like to put a vote in while we’re talking about accessibility for making alt text required when uploading an image. i know separate workstreams, but…
Thank you! This is incredibly helpful. With the lack of feedback, I was just leaning towards doing L-R since that's probably what most users will be expecting (and I also remembered they'll be able to get to the right side quickly by just back-tabbing, first thing).
Heh, you are the third consecutive person who's asked; it should be relatively easy (most of the buttons, textboxes, etc. are all stuff Tumblr has, just in a different layout) so I'll probably put it as a setting users
@Swanye <3 thank you!
can just switch. Trying to iron out how things work under the hood first.
So I've known some disabled people (albeit, generally in the minority) who've found the lack of a requirement to be more accessible for them (especially on bad days) but I have been thinking of ways to make it more in-mind, for users.
Embedded images, for example, right now fill in text that say something like, "Don't forget to provide alt-text" (it's formatted markdown so immediately visible and non-hidden)
I was also thinking of providing an admin. option to force alt. text so people could set up instances where it was required.
I know there's also some conversation going around on protocol means to send alt. text suggestions to users who do a post without alt. text that I'm very interesting in reviewing and/or getting involved in.
And Tusky had a feature (don't remember if they still do) that would highlight an image in red if it didn't have alt. text that I might borrow, as well.
I suggest you to check the Pleroma implementation, the admin interface, and the MRF filters. Being swanye a clone of tumblr, pictures and multimedia will be paramount. In case of illegal content, the admin must have means of banning them. In Pleroma you may decide to strip attachments from a given instance, by example, or to mark all of them as NSFW, keeping the rest.
Just my two cents.