This week's In-Process is out! Featuring the latest on NVDA 2024.1, add-on updates, the Microsoft FOSS Fund, Philanthropy Australia awards, an Interview with our GTO Gerald, and more! All available now at:
@NVAccess You know, this makes me think. It is entirely possible that an addon author will, accidentally or on purpose, declare an addon compatible when it actually isn't. It would be great if there was a way that bug reports could be automated such that certain failures could automatically reflag the addon as incompatible and send a note to the author, without you having to manually check everything.
@davetaylor2112 Interesting suggestion, and worth writing an issue for on:
Because add-ons have the full power of Python at their disposal, checking for incompatibility would likely not be a trivial task, but definitely worth the question
@NVAccess I hate writing on there not being a techie, I've no idea what could or couldn't be done really. It needs somebody who knows the language to take this on and manage it really, not a user who doesn't
@davetaylor2112 Talking with one of our developers today, I don't think there IS much we could do - the potential things to look out for would be too large. If anything, it would be better to do it on the code at the time the add-on is submitted to the store.
Re filing issues in general though - that's why we have a template, so it's aimed at being as simple to use as possible, just answer the questions as best you can.
@NVAccess I suspect an issue isn't the way then, manual review is, even if that review is as simple as running NVDA with the new addon loaded and checking logs. A lot of the issues seem to be about getting settings from such and such depricated and recovering from freezes
@davetaylor2112 Is there a particular add-on you're having an issue with? I was originally taking this conversation as more of a theoretical "What if" and "how can we prevent this potential situation", but if there is a particular issue you're stuck with, happy to look at that too.